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About office

Upazila Social Service Office




Each upazila has one social service office. This office is managed under the Directorate of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Welfare and controlled by the Deputy Director of the District. There are also 80 city social service offices in city corporations and municipal areas.

Designation of Head of Department:

Upazila Social Service Officer


The significant programs of the Upazila Social Service Office are - among socio-economic development service activities - rural social service activities, rural maternity centers, rehabilitation activities for acid burns and disabled people, shelter/housing activities. The social security programs include Old Age Allowance Scheme, Indigent Disability Allowance Scheme, Widow Deserted Distressed Women Allowance, Freedom Fighter Honorary Allowance and Education Scholarship Scheme for disabled students. Issuance of disability certificate under the rights protection, nurturing, development and rehabilitation activities of persons with disabilities. Probation and after care services under developmental and rehabilitation programs for vagrants and social offenders. Conducting Socio-Economic Training Center for Women under Skill Development Training Programme. Registration and Supervision of Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations under the Scheme of Registration and Assistance. Providing capitation grand to private orphanages, assistance in providing grants to organizations registered through Bangladesh National Social Welfare Council, conducting activities with voluntary organizations, performing other duties as assigned by the Election Commission, including assistance in solving social problems in public welfare.

Offices under:

Office of Union Social Worker known as Union Social Service Office (in process) in every union complex. In addition to the union social workers, the technical trainers are carrying out the responsibility of implementing the program at the union level.